Saturday, September 28, 2013

What if we (America) had lost the war?

Let's think about this. Do I think America would be a whole lot different? Yes and no. I mean, look, America's love for freedom and everything did stem from the war, and it did make us a proud independent people. My thought is that if England really did conquer us, it would've taken a massive amount to keep us. Losing that war would've made the people of America more aggressive in the long run. I simply think it's impossible to keep a nation's worth of people under "control" by a country an ocean away. Sure England has a massive naval power, but we've got the land right there. I don't think losing that war would've stopped the uprising cold. I don't think it would affect the spirit of America in the long run. And I sure don't think it would've stopped America from forming.

On the other hand we would've lost General Washington. We would've lost so many of our Founding Fathers. That would be a big blow against our present day America, but I think there would've been others to take their place.

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