Even though I personally think we shouldn't have ever had to rebel against the king, we didn't have much choice. After the French Indian war, England had its war debts to pay. I think it's fair to tax the colonies, but England itself had to take care of the soldiers, or have them become more permanent members of the colonies. I think it was a major problem that the soldiers were random people, not the friends and relatives that the colonists knew. The real problem is that these soldiers that no one knew, came in and lived in the towns, ate and slept for free, and then took jobs to go spend money wherever. Quartering forced the colonists to feed and house soldiers however they possibly could.
Imagine the fights this could cause. The fights it DID. Quartering was, in my opinion, the last straw for the colonists. It further prevented the colonists from raising money to pay back England, and was a huge personal inconvenience as well. As much as I don't like it, it was then or never for fighting back.
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